Jimi, Chas Chandler, Mike Jeffries and Keith Altham fly from London Heathrow Airport, Middlesex, to New York City, U.S.A. [It seems that Noel took a flight one day later.]

Keith Altham (NME): We drove to London Airport in Mike Jeffery's Rolls Royce... We picked up Jimi Hendrix and Chas from their flat and continued to the airport where Jimi ransacked the book stall for a science fiction novel.

We were all on that plane, Chas, Jimi, Mike and I. First class, thank you very much! First trip to America, wonderful, terrific time it was. Arriving at Kennedy Airport, we were met by a long sleek black Cadillac. Without pausing to check into the Hotel, Jimi shot down to the Colony record centre, just off Broadway, and bought half a dozen LPs by people like The Doors and The Mothers Of Invention. The first thing we did, we booked into this dreadful, notorious Hotel called The Chelsea, then moved to the Buckingham Hotel instead. Of course there was supposed to be one murder every week. I found this out subsequently and I just thought it was a wonderful American Hotel.